
Whether you’re an small, local company looking for entry into internet marketing, or a Fortune 500 company looking for consulting services, we can help!


Collini Marketing has been around since 2015 and we are comprised of passionate people on the cutting edge of all things internet marketing.


Maximizing your online marketing performance requires the right tools, strategy and team to oversee its execution. Most business don’t have an internet marketing strategy let alone an entire team to oversee its execution, but they should!

Tactical questions like, “How much should I invest in SEO?” or “Do I need a website/design overhaul?” are crucial to online success and are easily answered when you have a strong strategy in place. While each business is unique and needs a specific and customized prescription, the core principles required for success don’t change.

1. MAKE data driven decisions

2. TREAT your website like a sales rep

3. MAXIMIZE your online real estate

4. OPTIMIZE your conversion rates

5. ESTABLISH your company as the authority

If you want to improve your online marketing performance in specific and measurable ways and get more leads and sales from the web, you should: 

1. Track every possible metric and make data driven decisions

Everything on the internet can (and should) be tracked. How can you expect to win the game if you don’t even know the score? Capturing accurate and precise information about the performance of each marketing strategy – traditional or online – allows you to see problem areas and opportunities your competitors cannot. Your new mantra for all marketing endeavors should be: Track – Test – Tweak – Repeat.

2. Your website is not an virtual flyer, it is an online sales rep

Too many business owners and companies treat their websites as if it were a virtual flyer. Your website is NOT an online brochure. It’s an economic engine capable of propelling your business to new levels. 

Unlike a sales rep, your website will never leave for a higher paying job, or complain about working too much.  But like a sales rep your website performs best when accurately tracked and measured; when it has clearly defined goals; and when it is properly managed. 

Your website is your single most important and valuable marketing asset.  Make sure you are appropriately investing in it and have the best possible team managing and overseeing it’s success.

3. Maximize your online real estate

The web is all about real estate. If you want to be successful in marketing your business online, you need to maximize your web footprint in the most cost effective way. 

You should start by maximizing your real estate in the search engine results because search engines put your website in front of people with both interest and intent. Each and every page of your website, niche blog, social media, industry directory etc. is another property of real estate capable of converting visitors into paying customers.

4. Continually optimize your conversion rates

 To get more traffic on the web, which turns into leads and customers, you need to continually optimize your visit-to-sale conversion rates. The more effective your sales process, the more marketing options are available to your company. All things being equal, a company that has a higher conversion rate can afford to bid more for a click or visit to their site. Being able to bid more on CPC and SEO directly correlates to more traffic and more revenue for your business.

5. Establish your company as the authority

The holy grail of online companies is to establish themselves as THE authority for what they do in their respective markets. Over time, there is absolutely no marketing substitute capable of trumping genuine authority. With traditional media, big brands have an enormous advantage because they can buy access to target audiences from the very select few media outlets that control it. On the internet, this is no longer the case.

Business of all sizes have the opportunity to build their own audience, which is much more cost effective than buying access to an audience. You only have to generate great content that delivers genuine value to your target market. To become the authority you have to genuinely focus on your customers, not your competition. Decide what target audience you are trying to serve and the be THE best. You can win by serving hot coffee, you can win by serving ice coffee, you can’t win by serving luke warm coffee. Choose your path and be the best.


Contact us to learn more about Collini Marketing’s approach to online marketing and how we can help you improve your online marketing in a specific, measurable way.